Assateague State Park F Loop Campground beach
Berlin, Maryland, United States
This swimming beach is located within the Assateague State Park campground. This is a full service campground for tents, trailers and RVs with easy access to the ocean beach. Early reservations for camp sites is highly recommended during the summer months.
The famous Assateague Island ponies are frequent visitors - remember to keep your food items securely stowed away and please don't feed the ponies. They can kick and bite, so please keep your distance but they are beautiful to watch!
Assateague Island was once targeted for major development (4,000+ development lots!) and a citizen group The Committee To Preserve Assateague Island was founded by Judith Johnson and others to advocate for the preservation of the island as a National Seashore. Obviously they succeeded and today the Committee is known as 'Assateague Coastal Trust.' ACT hosts the local Waterkeeper program - the Assateague Coastkeeper. Learn more at
Find out more about camping in the Assateague State Park here:
This site is monitored for bacteria by Worcester County:
The description above was copied from or heavily based on Swim Guide, with permission.
More Information
- Swim Guide - Weather and water quality for Assateague State Park F Loop Campground beach and 8,000 other beaches.