16th (Surf City)
Surf City, New Jersey, United States

Surf City's beaches are located on Long Beach Island. Beaches are patrolled by the Surf City Beach Patrol. Beach badges are required for visitors over the age of 12. Visitors can enjoy swimming, surfing, and fishing, but be sure that your preferred activity is permitted at your beach. Surfing is only permitted between North 1st and 3rd and fishing is permitted between North 23rd and 25th. You will find parking along Long Beach Boulevard. For your convenience, restrooms can be found at 9th Street. When you are done at the beach, be sure to explore Surf City's many shops and restaurants!
The description above was copied from or heavily based on Swim Guide, with permission.
More Information
- Swim Guide - Weather and water quality for 16th (Surf City) and 8,000 other beaches.